If you'd had told me in June of 2008 (when the Seder on Sunday show ended) that Sam Seder still wouldn't have a radio show by now, I'm not sure what I would have done.
In the beginning of Air America, I was really excited. I'd long thought that America really needed a good liberal network to balance right-wing radio. At first I was a fairly choppy listener, listening to Franken whenever I could and here and there to other shows. But I quickly discovered that many of the shows weren't for me. I won't name names, but some--in my opinion--really weren't a whole lot better than the crap you hear on Bill O'Reilly, with a lot of drivel and half truths, at best. Others were okay, but with too much entertainment and not analytical enough. Steve Earle had a nice music show. Thom Hartman is a smart guy with a solid show. And Franken was great. But for the most part, I didn't like Air America as much as I thought I would. I was still glad it existed, as a counter-weight to what had been out there representing the right for well over a decade. But I didn't really want to listen to most of it. But there was one particularly shiny gem in there and that was the Majority Report. I first listened in to the Majority Report for Janeene Garafalo, who I've always liked. But eventually I came to be the biggest fan of Sam Seder. Seder was the best Air America ever had, easily surpassing everyone else in humor, entertainment, and analytical depth. Seder was the REAL DEAL! I literally listened to every minute (w/ the help of podcasting) of the last year of The Sam Seder Show (a 3-hour daily show Sam hosted after Garafalo left the network for the West Wing). I also listened to every minute (one year) of Seder on Sunday, Sam's next (weekly) show. The guy was just brilliant! I couldn't believe how much I depended on him (I also listened to most of Break Room Live, Seder's next (internet)show with Mark Maron, but I'm not a huge Maron fan--sorry Mark, so I wasn't as fundamental about that show.) My wife made fun of me, saying I had a man-crush on Sam. I came to accept it. I couldn't believe how wickedly funny and intelligent the guy was. But Air America kept cutting him out...no wonder they no longer exist.
Anyway, here it is over two years since Seder on Sunday went off the air and he still doesn't have a show. I can't believe I've made it this long. But enough is enough! Sam Seder needs a daily (or at least weekly) radio show or a web show, or something! Somebody step up! I need me some Sam!
Georgia Magazine
2 weeks ago
I agree that Sam Seder has it all. I saw him speak at a panel during Netroots Nation and he is even more amazing live (if that is possible). He should have been chosen as the newest host on MSNBC in the slot after Rachel.